Friday, September 7, 2007

Practice makes wacktice.

we're all over here at corys rehearsing for the show on monday at the viper room. brb gotta go rehearse "take stage".... k.. so umm. yah l.a. peeps come to the viper room on monday... we go on at 11. its free if you rsvp @

im also homeless as of today. all my shit is in my car. this was the most organized ive ever been packing up my shit. like i actually have it down to a pretty sweet routine. which is pretty tragic. my friend and i counted that ive moved 4 times this year already. anyways i loaded up my car and went to subway and had my usual: 6in. honey oat with lettuce, pickles and mayo. i have mad subway coupons. yes i just said that a. i have a usual at subway and b. i have coupons for subway.

this is my life. oh mannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
here's one of my favorite bands


1 comment:

ildy said...

poor homeless chad, come live with me