Thursday, September 6, 2007

bad dreams, toast with cream

i woke up really early this morning via a bad dream. i dreamt that my mother was telling me that someone had died. i couldn't tell if she was saying dad or grandma. so i was getting really frustrated because i couldn't understand her. then i woke up.

after i woke up i called starbucks to what time they opened. it is basically at the end of the drive way of the house im staying/got kicked out of. i saw brian wilson (the king of melodies and harmonies) at starbucks. walking very zombie-like. of course he was wearing one of those "hawaiian" shirts. fuuuck. he's a genius. in this same shopping center like a year and a half ago, he almost ran me over. again, very zombie-like trance thing happening. we had eggs 2 booths apart.

i also realized, within the past week, that i'm in love with amy winehouse. i bought the album yesterday. if anyone knows a super thin girl with siick tatts, a beehive and missing a tooth, let me know. i want to marry her. what a bad-asssssssssss.



ildy said...

that sounds like a pretty yucky dream. i always have dreams like that, and they are so impossible... everyone keeps saying amy whinehouse is really great but i have yet to hear anything by her cause i'm lazy. i'll have to check her out!

PINK ENEMY said...

yah the amy winehouse album is grrrreat!!